Malice - Movies that Subvert Expectations

When did movie marketers stop taking risks?

Today’s marketing campaigns have ridiculously long trailers, show audiences far too much and are too afraid to hold anything back. It wasn’t always this way.

30 years ago, a little movie came out with a campaign promoting it as a legal drama. It was so much more, with a stellar cast bringing Aaron Sorkin’s screenplay to life, Glendalynn revisits Malice (spoiler-free) and laments the loss of subversive advertising.

Prompted by the post Historical Movie Moments, Historical Meltdowns

Subscribe to this podcast below or to the accompanying Reflections by G blog, for more reflections.

Intro music: Fairy G, by Dan O’Grady,

Glendalynn Dixon

Glendalynn is a writer, speaker & facilitator. She combines humor and reflective storytelling with over two decade’s experience working in technology, education and change management.

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